Very good article. One question, how would you calculate the invested capital? because there are many different formulas and it can even be confused with the ROCE sometimes.

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Thanks for the compliment! Glad you have enjoyed the article.

With regard to your question about ROIC. Agree with you that there is a lot of confusion about what should be included/excluded in the calculation. My practical approach is to follow the financing approach (liabilities side) and I include basically equity + interest bearing debt (long & short-term) + operating lease liabilities (long & short-term) + deferred taxes.

It is true that this calculation might include funding that it might not be being used for productive uses, but it is much more easy to calculate (for a non-insider) than the operating approach (i.e. asset side).

Anyway, to be honest, more than calculating the exact number, for me it is much more relevant the following:

1) That the number, even with a rough calculation, is clearly above WACC

2) Its comparison with peers (using the same calculation formula)

3) Its evolution over time.

I will focus on these issues instead of looking for the perfect formula.


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Thanks for the response!

I call ROCE to the financing approach (liabilities), but as you say, it is easier to calculate, but I like the tips at the end. Thank you so much

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= Gross Profit/Assets × Net Profit/Gross Profit × Assets/Sales × Sales/Invested Capital

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